Sydhavns Anker

Sydhavns Anker af The Truth Behind Small – Linda Bjørnskov og Maya Peitersen, blik fra Borgbjergsvej, 3,40 x 2,40 x 2,40, træfiner, mat oliemaling, 2012 (fotograf Maria Franck)

Sydhavns Anker af The Truth Behind Small – Linda Bjørnskov og Maya Peitersen, indgangsparti, 3,40 m x 2,40 x 2,40, træfiner, mat oliemaling, 2012 (fotograf Claus Handberg Christensen)

Sydhavns Anker (fotograf Maria Franck)

Nikolai Linares Fernisering og artist talk ved Sydhavns Anker d.7/9-12 (fotograf Linda Bjørnskov)

Sonja Lillebæk Christensens udstilling i Sydhavns Anker (fotograf Linda Bjørnskov)

Eva Öhrlings udstilling i Sydhavns Anker (fotograf Linda Bjørnskov)

Ole Broagers værk i Sydhavns Anker (fotograf Maria Franck)

THE TRUTH BEHIND SMALL is the creator behind the project “Sydhavns Anker” (“The Anchor of Sydhavn”), which is a temporary Culture House placed at the end of Sigvald Olsens Gade towards Borgbjergsvej in Sydhavn. Sydhavn is an area of the municipality of Copenhagen that, in the next decade, will be taken through a bigger development, aesthetical as well as a social development. The development will be implemented in collaboration with architects and artists.

THE TRUTH BEHIND SMALL works with sculptural and architectural projects aiming to include, writing visions and taking initiatives to new ideas in the concrete area. THE TRUTH BEHIND SMALL is also much focused on formal aspects in relation to Arts, especially in relation to colour and space.

THE TRUTH BEHIND SMALL as a project group consists of architect and artist Maya Peitersen (b. 1973) graduated at Architect School of The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 2004 and the artist Linda Bjørnskov (b. 1973) graduated at Painting Department at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 2006.

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