Corner 2019

Corner 2019
Sophienholm, Lyngby
18/1 – 17/2 2019

> Press-text about Corner 2019 i

Overview from Corner 2019, Sophienholm (From left):
Depressed Men Gone, 2018, 87 x 60 cm oval form, oil on woodboards 
A Friend is a Friend (Ein Freund ist ein Freund), 2018, 130 x 130 cm,  oil on canvas 
Geographical Tongue (Geografisk Tunge), 2018,  60 x 48 cm, oil on woodboards
Three salat plates (Tre salatbakker), 2018, 85 x 105 cm, oil on canvas, string
I live in Sweden with Sonja Åkesson (Jag bor i Sverige med Sonja Åkesson), 2018, 60 x 48 cm, oil on woodboards

Overview, Corner 2019

Thinking man by the sea (Sinnender Mann am Meer), oil on canvas, string, 120 x 165 cm, 2019

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